Recoding several variables into several new variables is straightforward: simply fill in multiple input variable names after RECODE and multiple output variable names after INTO. It isn’t unusual for this data to have been entered as string values — alphanumeric characters. My variables are codes assigned to each observation, where … You can confirm In the Variable View window, you can see that in addition to copying the original string values to the category labels, SPSS also defined category 3 as "missing.". Highlight the string variable that you want to recode into a numeric and use the right arrow to move it into the variable text box. If the INTO keyword is present (followed by a list of target variables) the result is stored into the target variable(s) (list= one or more variables), otherwise the variables … Handle missing values … autorecode gender /into ngen. Since the default variable type in SPSS is numeric, you need to define your string variable in advance. There are many ways to change data that allow for further, more specific, analysis. Korean / 한국어 Select the string variable of interest in the left column and move it to the right column. Romanian / Română For example, you may want to recode the MAJOR variable from its string values (e.g. But, if a value is up to 8 characters long you can force it to be a user-missing value, if you want. By default, this means that the lowest numeric categories will be assigned to category names coming first in the alphabet. Converting the string variables into numeric by a split second. It also automatically adds value labels: whatever the string value was before becomes the value label. We have not yet discussed the option Use the same recoding scheme for all variables. The first number (a.k.a. This video demonstrates how to use the “Compute Variable” functionality in SPSS. Variables can be combined in SPSS by adding or multiplying them together. With regard to our test data, the syntax below shows how to convert numeric_1 into (previously created) string_3. COPY replicates original values without recoding them. Suppose you want to recode an existing variable q1 so that the scale is inverted (i.e., 5=1, 4=2, 3=3, 2=4, 1=5). Note that you'll often want to apply or adjust some value labels after recoding. This is the huge benefit of RECODE using SPSS. math becomes 1, English becomes 2, etc.) If you have already recorded your categorical variables as strings, you can easily convert them to a labelled, numerically coded variable using the Automatic Recode procedure. In this situation, you must use Automatic Recode in order for SPSS to recognize blank strings as missing values. Slovenian / Slovenščina Catalan / Català Each row is a person's responses to a survey. The recode command recodes a nominal variable that has a limited number of values.. C Recode Starting from: Should the new category numbering be in alphabetical order (Lowest value) or reverse alphabetical order (Highest value) with respect to the original values? This is because SPSS does not automatically recognize blanks as missing values. Greek / Ελληνικά Either method of recording categorical variables is valid, but it is often easier to work with numeric codes in SPSS than it is to work with strings. Enter a name for the new, recoded variable in the. ... divided onto four different SPSS variables (one for each experimental condition). Alternatively, you may be trying to create a total awareness variable. Use Variable View to define missing values manually or MISSING VALUES command to do it through syntax [for example, MISSING VALUES mystringvar ('wweqwe' 'hsdkj'). According to SPSS rules, blank values in string (text) variables are valid values. I'm working with string variables in SPSS and encountered a problem in managing the data. French / Français But there is an apparently unlabeled category listed under the "Valid" categories in the frequency table that has 27 observations. You can also use the recode command to recode more than one variable at a time. One of the best ways analysts can add value is by finding new ways to examine data. In the sample data file, the variable State is a string variable representing whether the student is an in-state student or an out-of-state student. Math, English) into a numeric variable (e.g. SPSS – String to Numeric with Syntax. Slovak / Slovenčina 4. Additionally, if you have used blanks to indicate missing values for string variables, you may have noticed that SPSS doesn't automatically recognize those observations as missing. SPSS has many specific string functions (not all of them appear below in the short examples). Just make sure that the number of input variables matches the number of output variables. The fastest way to convert string variables into numeric ones is with the ALTER TYPEcommand. Mark "Treat blank string values as user-missing" box and click Ok. Bosnian / Bosanski SPSS offers two choices under the recode command: Into Same Variable and Into Different Variables. If you select multiple variables, they must all be the same type. Czech / Čeština You can recode numeric variables into string variables and vice versa. Values A, B, and C are changed to value A. Math, English) into a numeric variable (e.g. With CONVERT keyword, you can convert a variable type from string to numeric. SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis. In order for our analyses to be accurate, we'll need to fix this issue. Now we will take the example of the current study in which we study the effect of Hardwork or Performance. E Treat blank string values as user-missing: When checked, the numeric category assigned to blank strings will be set as a special missing value. Recoding Variables in SPSS Recoding both string and numeric variables in SPSS is usually done with RECODE. math becomes 1, … Norwegian / Norsk Defining the variables involves multiple processes and requires careful planning. math becomes 1, English becomes 2, etc.) Recode is used to change the values of one variable into other values. A frequency table will help determine which categories, if any, are mismatched. The Self-Esteem Survey (esteem.sav) data set will be used to illustrate the SPSS recode facility.Open the data set esteem.sav.The variables esteem1 to esteem5 are coded from 1 (strongly disagree) through 4 (strongly agree). The keywords ELSE and COPY copy all other state codes over unchanged. This setting is applied to all of the variables being recoded. Now when we create a frequency table for the recoded variable, it should reflect the proportion of values that are missing: In the output, the recoded blank values are correctly counted as missing, but show their assigned numeric code in the Value Labels column in the output. Click Transform > Recode into Different Variables. Our tutorials reference a dataset called "sample" in many examples. Notice that both VAR00001 and VAR00002 have a category called "red". In order to split the file, SPSS requires that the data be sorted with respect to the splitting variable. How can I change a string variable into a numeric variable? Example: The data given below represents the scores of 10 students in a final examination. This setting must be checked in order for missing values to be properly recognized. Please note that DISQUS operates this forum. If you'd like to download the sample dataset to work through the examples, choose one of the files below: When writing down the observed values of a categorical variable, you can choose to write the data values as words or as numeric codes. Suppose that the below syntax was applied to a string variable with the valid categories "blue", "green", and "red", with missing values recorded using the code "999". Introduce For example you have Age variables which value is 10, 11, 12, … Recoding Variables in SPSS Statistics (cont...) Recoding data into two categories. INTO is required to recode a string variable into a numeric variable or a numeric variable into a string variable. Bulgarian / Български Hungarian / Magyar Go to variable view, click an empty row and start defining variables as stated below. Danish / Dansk Recode the data so that the batsmen are rank ordered by their number of runs, with the batsman with the highest runs given a code of "1" and the batsman with the lowest runs given a "5". You can combine variables in SPSS by following a rather simple process. RECODE PET ('IGUANA', 'SNAKE ' = 'WILD '). with the command. The following creates a string variable named String_Zip2 with a width of five characters: STRING String_Zip2(A5) Creating a new SPSS Statistics data file consists of two stages: defining the variables and entering the data. The instructions and examples will help guide you through establishing different types of variables for your particular research or analysis needs. argument) indicates the position within the string variable were SPSS is to begin, and the second number tells SPSS how many characters to take. The syntax below converts all string variables in one go. To automatically recode variables: Click Transform > Automatic Recode. You will need to supply a new variable name and click Add New Name for each variable being recoded. The variables have overlapping or identical categories, and you do not want categories with the same objective values to be assigned different numeric codes. Suppose you want to recode an existing variable q1 so that the scale is inverted (i.e., 5=1, 4=2, 3=3, 2=4, 1=5). RECODE specifies STATE as the source variable and STATE1 as the target variable. Scripting appears to be disabled or not supported for your browser. Double-click on variable Rank to move it to the Input Variable -> Output Variable box. Japanese / 日本語 In this section, we are going to learn about String variables.String variables are the type of variables that are used when we want to record any qualitative data or qualitative variables.For example, name of the subject, or roll no of the subject. For example, you may want to recode the MAJOR variable from its string values (e.g. SPSS Statistics Recode single values in SPSS Statistics. User account menu • How can I recode string variables with a * or ** to 0 and all the numbers to 1? For example, if there are different capitalizations of the same word, you should "normalize" them to all use the same capitalization before you enter the variable into Automatic Recode. Another way to recode gender, or any string variable for which you want a numeric representation of the categories, is to use the autorecode command. Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt. Background: I have two variables based on the same item of a survey. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can also use the recode command to recode more than one variable at a time. Choose the command : Transform – Recode into different variables. Type specifies the type of a variable, such as numeric, string, data, date, and so on. Numeric Variables to String Variables with SPSS. Choose the command : Transform – Recode into different variables. You cannot recode numeric and string variables together. execute. | SPSS FAQ. We then check a descriptives table. 2 Put the variable you want to recode in the Input Variable → Output Variable box. 5. This is because SPSS, by default, recognizes "blank" strings as valid values. It’s in an Excel file, and when you get it over to SPSS it will automatically be string variables and you are very limited to do statistics on that: So I will recode these to number codes instead. The recode command recodes a nominal variable that has a limited number of values.. Running the procedure will produce the following message in the Output Viewer window: This message tells us the mapping scheme that SPSS generated for the categories: "In state" became 1, "Out of state" became 2, and blanks became 3, which was set as a special missing value code. Rather than using the recode command, use an if statement like this: It allows us to convert many variables with a single line of syntax. A Variable -> New Name: The original variable(s) being transformed, and the name of the new variable(s) that the results will be saved as. Press J to jump to the feed. Hence, subst(ssn, 1, 3) tells SPSS to use the variable ssn, start at the first position in the variable and take three characters. Pull Up Data Step 1 Go to "File" in the tool bar at the top of the page in SPSS. That information, along with your comments, will be governed by DISQUS’ privacy policy. If you select multiple variables, they must all be the same type. Enter a new name for the autorecoded variable in the, SPSS will assign numeric categories in alphabetical order. The command Into Same Variable replaces existing data with new values, but the command Into Different Variables adds a new variable to the data set.. For ease of processing / coding I want to copy the content of the four VARs into one new VAR that holds all the responses. My variables are codes assigned to each observation, where … Doing so with syntax is wayfaster than with the menu, especially if you want to recode many variables at once. Since both variables represent colors, it makes sense to use a single coding scheme for all of the possible color categories (i.e., the category "red" will be represented by the numeric code 4 for both variables, rather than having a different code in VAR00001 versus VAR00002). The letter M indicates that the label or code is a missing value indicator. Recoding String Variables. For example, if you are grouping BMI you might use the name ’BMIgroup’. In this video Jarlath Quinn demonstrates how to use the compute procedure to calculate the mean of a number of variables to create one combined variable, and also how to use the count values procedure to count how many times a particular value occurs across a series of variables in order to create an overall count. Executing the recoding syntax produces the following output: As you can see from the syntax, SPSS first alphabetizes all possible unique nonmissing category values across the two variables, then assigns numeric codes to each category. This is useful with many of the inferential tests, such as the ANOVA procedures. In IBM SPSS Statistics, people frequently have categorical variables with lots of values. "Missing") for that particular code. This requires SPSS version 16 or over. IBM Knowledge Center uses JavaScript. To make the presentation easier to understand all string variables below start with the letter "S" and numerical variables with "N"; string variables are assumed to be defined earlier, e.g. * It allows us to convert many variables with a single line of syntax. Polish / polski Recoding a String Variable Into a Numeric Target. begin data 1 "Beth" "57" "f" 2 "Bob" "65" "m" 3 "Barb" "70" "f" 4 "Andy" "45" "m" 5 "Al" "80" ... compute score1 = number (score, F2). The syntax below converts all string variables in one go. SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis. Arabic / عربية DISQUS terms of service. We recommend that you convert or recode your variables into a new variable, such that the original variable is not overwritten or modified in any way. You should try it to make ease of your data analysis or database collected from your study or online business. RECODE recodes the string … This procedure assigns each unique category a numeric code, then saves the converted values as a new variable. It’s in an Excel file, and when you get it over to SPSS it will automatically be string variables and you are very limited to do statistics on that: So I will recode these to number codes instead. RECODE data into other formats by controlling the “IF” factors. It is commonly used to change a string variable into a numeric, nominal equivalent. Portuguese/Portugal / Português/Portugal You can change this so that categories coming later in the alphabet are given the lowest numeric category by clicking, If blanks were used to indicate missing values, select the, If you are converting multiple string variables and do not want the same number to be re-used as a category code across multiple variables, select the. Example: The data given below represents runs scored by 5 batsmen in a national-level match. Recode the data so that the batsmen are rank ordered by their number of runs, with the batsman with the highest runs given a code of "1" and the batsman with the lowest runs given a "5". Croatian / Hrvatski Kazakh / Қазақша 3 Click on Old and New Values. Turkish / Türkçe data list list / id * name (A5) score (A5) gender (A2). 6. Notice that the "missing" category ("999") was recoded last, even though it is alphabetically before the category names. D Use the same recoding scheme for all variables: When checked, the same numeric code is never re-used across variables, unless the category names are identical. Log In Sign Up. Recode changes to codes of one or more variables (varlist1) according to a list of specifications enclosed in parentheses. Consider the following example: STRING str (A8). There are two ways of recoding a variable. German / Deutsch If the participant dropped out of the survey midway through, the data from that point is equal to (-5). For SPSS 15 or below, use the NUMBER function. When recoding INTO another variable, unspecified values are set to system-missing or blank for strings. User account menu • How can I recode string variables with a * or ** to 0 and all the numbers to 1? 1 Choose Transform, Recode, Into Different Variables. The best way to learn how to recode variables in SPSS in order to combine them is to follow a step-by-step guide and refer to expert advice along the way. Enable JavaScript use, and try again. Click on Change. Log In Sign Up. Recoding Variables in SPSS Statistics (cont...) Recode a given range in SPSS Statistics. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Double-click variable State in the left column to move it to the Variable -> New Name box. SPSS will not stop you from using a continuous variable as a splitting variable, but it is a bad idea to try to attempt this; SPSS will see each unique numeric value as a distinct category. Functions like UPCASE() and LOWCASE() can perform these transformations (see the Compute Variables tutorial). The company would like to code all those who responded by giving ratings above 5 a "Satisfactory" code and those below 5 a "Dissatisfactory" code. Recoding Variables in SPSS Statistics (cont...) Recode a given range in SPSS Statistics. argument) indicates the position within the string variable were SPSS is to begin, and the second number tells SPSS how many characters to take. Example: The data given below represents runs scored by 5 batsmen in a national-level match. In code: AUTORECODE VARIABLES=Address /INTO Addr_Temp /BLANK=MISSING /PRINT. SPSS offers two choices under the recode command: Into Same Variable and Into Different Variables. In our example, SPSS has correctly identified Age as a numeric type. Recode is used to change the values of one variable into other values. You cannot recode numeric and string variables together. Copying/recoding STRING variables into new variable Showing 1-9 of 9 messages. In SPSS, recoding categorical string variables to numeric codes and converting blank strings to missing values can be done automatically using Automatic Recode. I'm trying to use Python in SPSS to recode observations by row. MBA Group introduce how to use Recode function in SPSS, there are two types of recode: recode into the same variables and recode into new variables. To use the autorecode function select Transform->Automatic Recode on the menu bar. String Variables can be concatenated in IBM SPSS Statistics using the CONCAT function The following syntax demonstrates using a compute command to bring three single name variables together into a single variable, which combines the three into a full name variable 3 RECODE STRNGVAR ('A','B','C'='A')('D','E','F'='B')(ELSE=' '). You have many string categorical variables to recode, and do not want to have the same number re-used on unrelated categories. For example, suppose you have two variables (v1 and v2), and you wish to recode all cases of v2 to be equal to the system missing value where v1 is also system missing. I am new on SPSS, I hope you can provide some insights on the following. Search The variables, in this case, … With INTO keyword, you can recode values of a variable into a new variable Numeric conversion into the same variable RECODE code (CONVERT) INTO numcode. For the row of data, that would be 123. You can recode numeric and string variables. I am trying to build a syntax. This post is about recode into different variables. Type: There are eight types of variables to be found in SPSS that include numeric, comma, dot, scientific notation, date, dollar, custom curency and string. Chinese Simplified / 简体中文 It is commonly used to change a string variable into a numeric, nominal equivalent. The original value IO is recoded to IA. Serbian / srpski Go to "Transform\Automatic Recode", double click the text variable (address), put a New Name (Addr_Temp) and click "Add New Name". When reading data containing dates or using certain date-time functions, we need to tell SPSS which date format to use, so that it knows how to correctly parse the components of the input string. By commenting, you are accepting the With RECODE, you can change the values of an existing variable. Values IGUANA and SNAKE are changed to value WILD. Code is the variable name and A12 indicates string variable with width 12 3. For Non string variables any empty cell will be considered as missing data you dont need to declare . Running that syntax will produce the following output: Here, you can see that observations originally coded as "999" have been recoded to the numeric indicator 4 with the value label "999". To open the Automatic Recode procedure, click Transform > Automatic Recode. What are some reasons to use this option? B New Name field and Add New Name button: These fields will activate after at least one variable has been added to the Variable -> New Name box. Example: The data given below represents the scores of 10 students in a final examination. In the Output Variable area, give the new variable the name ... Click the Old and New Values button. You can recode numeric and string variables ; You can recode numeric variables into string variables and vice versa. How to Recode Variables in SPSS. You can, however, extract one or more characters (a substring) from them, glue them together (concatenate) and a couple of other functions. Thai / ภาษาไทย For example, you may want to recode the MAJOR variable from its string values (e.g. Variable definition begins after the slash. I need to change all of the -5's to system missing but I want to preserve any … SPSS Statistics Recode single values in SPSS Statistics. In the Output Variable box, type in a name for the new (grouped) variable. Dutch / Nederlands Here is a simple example of using the same recoding scheme for all variables. DELETE VARIABLES code. The variables, in this case, need to have … A format is a named, pre-defined pattern that tells SPSS how to interpret and/or display different types of variables. Russian / Русский Alternatively, you may be trying to create a total awareness variable. English / English Your file will appear. The BEGIN DATA and END DATA commands enclose the raw data. Name: SPSS requires that each variable to be unique, and contain a maximum of 8 characters. Hence, subst(ssn, 1, 3) tells SPSS to use the variable ssn , start at the first position in the variable and take three characters. (Note that if your data was originally recorded in Excel, it is very easy for the values of string variables to accidentally be recorded with extra spaces at the end.). Finnish / Suomi The fastest way to convert string variables into numeric ones is with the ALTER TYPE command. You can improve the appearance of the missing value category by simply adding a value label (e.g. EXECUTE . The following command accomplishes this: RECODE q1 (5=1)(4=2)(2=4)(1=5). Syntax to read the CSV-format sample data and set variable labels and formats/value labels. Thus, STATE and STATE1 are identical except for cases with the original value IO. Spanish / Español In almost every situation, you want to use Into Different Variables.Recoding Into Same Variables replaces the values in the existing variable. © 2021 Kent State University All rights reserved. If you create a frequency table of this variable (Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Frequencies), you will notice something strange: The dataset has 435 observations in all, and SPSS reports that there are zero missing values. ' string function converts numeric values to be accurate, we want to use into different variables. ) unusual... 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