Shakespeare placed these scenes next to each other because in Act 1, Scene 1, Bassanio and Antonio discuss Bassanio's love for rich Portia but how her suitors stand in the way, and how he plans to overcome this and marry her. So far, how successful has it been in eliminating inappropriate suitors? “She hath directedHow I shall take her from her father’s house,What gold and jewels she is furnished with,What page’s suit she hath in readiness.”. Further, Antonio is well-off and more than financially stable. MWDS Questions for Frankenstein , Murder in Cathedral ,Merchant of Venice , C/P July 11, 2019. Start studying Merchant of Venice Act 1 quiz. “And in my conscience, my conscience is but a kind of hard conscience, to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Act 1, Scene 2 Journal Topics: 1. Join Fb Group here -: Certainly the Jew is the devil incarnate, and my conscience is giving me a hard time by telling me to stay with the Jew. How does Shakespeare show differences in their personalities and social stature through dialogue? Merchant of Venice. She has many suitors who are both rich and famous, and hard to out-do. Who is speaking? Merchant of Venice study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Portia first met Bassanio when he accompanied the marquess of Montferrat. Who said it?I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano—A stage, where every man must play a part;And mine a sad one. Bassanio Paraphrase: I hate him because he’s a Christian. [1.3] Why does Shylock drop the Biblical discussion as soon as Antonio challenges him? English – The Merchant of Venice – Review, ‘Believe me, no: I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate upon the fortune of this present year”. How is it similar? Save. As of Dec 14 20. He is suddenly bitter because Bassanio is crossing a line by asking Shylock to eat with them since the underlying rancor is the inequality between Jews and Christians. As Act II opens, who wants to “prove whose blood is reddest”? Why doesn't he know the cause of his sadness? 10th grade . [1.2] How does Portia feel about her deceased father's method of selecting a husband for her? He wants to contrast the different lifestyles, atmospheres, and daily events in both Belmont and Venice. Shakespeare placed these scenes next to each other because in Act 1, Scene 1, Bassanio and Antonio discuss Bassanio's love for rich Portia but how her suitors stand in the way, and how he plans to overcome this and marry her. Portia's racism initially shocked me, but then I was no longer shocked since people during this time period were almost always racist and ignorant towards other cultures. Gratiano Paraphrase: She’s told me how I can get her out of her father’s house. Act 1 Scene 1 Questions and Answers Question 1 : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Try this amazing Merchant Of Venice Act 1 Scene 1 Quiz! “I hate him for he is a Christian,But more for that in low simplicityHe lends out money gratis and brings downThe rate of usance here with us in Venice.”. Salarino “And even there, his eye being big with tears,Turning his face, he put his hand behind him,And with affection wondrous sensibleHe wrung Bassanio’s hand. Nerissa Paraphrase: These men are like moths, drawn to these boxes as if they were flames. [1.2] Shakespeare often juxtaposes (placing seeming opposites near one another) scenes (and therefore characters, settings, ideas) for a purpose. But if I ran away from the Jew, I’d be following the advice of the devil, who’s the very devil himself. Antonio, a merchant, is in a melancholic state of mind and unable to find a reason for his depression. I will run, fiend. To be bound to a loan means to guarantee a loan, which is what Antonio will do. Save. He says he grants it in terms of a "merry sport" (1.3.144). ‘Believe me, no: I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate upon the fortune of … Next Post The Tempest – Prospero quotes. His friends Salerio and Solanio attempt to cheer him up by telling him that he is only worried about his ships returning safely to port. 4. Would Bassanio have done the same for Antonio? What is the location of Act 1, Scene 3, in which Antonio, Bassanio, and Shylock discuss business? The Merchant of Venice Act 1, scene 2. So far, he has been too successful- all of the suitors also dislike his method and plan to return home. A) her dead father B) the three caskets C) her great fortune D) Bassanio 3. Does Portia's racism shock you? This reflects the view of Jews (and therefore Shylock) in Venetian/ Elizabethan society because Jews were viewed as bad, untrustworthy, and evil. 31 times. Read Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, side-by-side with a translation into Modern English. Questions 1-5 of 25: Search all of SparkNotes Search. [1.3] How does Antonio react to the charges against him? 10th grade. I will run.”. The opening of the first two scenes of Act I gives the plot of the paly. Merchant of Venice Act 1 DRAFT. Morocco To whom? K - University grade. [1.3] Shylock does a risk analysis of Antonio's ability to repay the loan in this act. How does Bassanio? Modern English Reading Act I Scene II. [1.3] Describe Shylock. [1.2] Portia mocks each of her potential suitors in turn. Antonio – a merchant of Venice; friend of Bassanio 2. According to her father’s will, she may marry only the man who chooses correctly among three small chests made of gold, silver, and lead. If Bassanio defaults, Antonio will pay Shylock. In sooth I know not why I am so sad. The Merchant of Venice: Act 1, scene 2 Summary & Analysis New! [1.3] What are Shylock's terms of the loan? About “The Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 2” Portia and her handmaiden, Nerissa, discuss the unusual request that Portia’s late father has placed in his will. [1.2] How does Portia and Nerissa's relationship differ from Antonio and Bassanio's? Who is speaking? Antonio Paraphrase: There’s a girl in Belmont who’s inherited a huge amount of money, and she’s beautiful and—even better—she’s a good person. Portia dislikes her father's method, and feels it is unfair since she does not get a say in which suitor to choose or refuse. How would his feelings reflect the political position Jews held in Elizabethan society? Portia and Nerissa both think highly of him, and think he is worthy of a beautiful wife. How does the language reflect that values system? He also claims he wants to pay back his debt to Antonio and discusses how he plans to do so. What are the terms of the loan? Justice, the law, my ducats, and my daughter, Condense: Jessica had run away from her father with a Christian boy, who is Lorenzo. Morocco To whom? To what is Portia referring when she speaks of “the lott’ry of my destiny”? Condense: Jessica told Lorenzo that she can leave her father through a disguise, but also that she offers gold and jewels. What kind of social status does he have? Do you think that Portia’s father’s test seems like a good one? I think she likes me. Previous Post World Lit — As You Like It Whole Book Test. He is serious, but he states this in a joking manner. Played 31 times. In Act 1, Scene 2, Portia and Nerissa discuss how she dislikes all of them but likes Bassanio. Why does he say this, even more, reason to grant the loan? “ Bassanio (Act 1, Scene 3) “Mislike me not for my complexion, The shadowed livery of the burnished sun.” Morocco (Act 2, Scene 1… Either way, he receives Bassanio's satisfaction in return. “All that glisters is not gold—Often have you heard that told.Many a man his life hath soldBut my outside to behold.Gilded tombs do worms enfold.Had you been as wise as bold,Young in limbs, in judgment old,Your answer had not been inscrolled.Fare you well. I’ll run, devil. 3 years ago. This is how the candle burned the moth. a rich heiress that Bassanio intends to marry. a close friend to Antonio who frequently borrows money from him, without paying it back. what are the risks? What does this say about Shylock's place in Venetian society? [1.3] Bassanio contacts Shylock regarding the loan. Paraphase: Then his eyes started tearing up. You’re done here.”The longer I stay, the more foolish I look. Jews were treated as inferior to Christians, so Shylock is bitter to Christians. How does he plan to overcome those barriers? How would his attitude towards the merchant influence his risk analysis? How is Portia characterized in act 1, scene 2, of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice? A Jewish money-lender whom Antonio and Bassanio ask for a loan from. Suggestions ... Take the Act 2, scenes v-ix Quick Quiz. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1, Scene 1 – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English. They are different because Portia can pin-point the cause of her sadness- the suitors- whereas Antonio cannot. [1.3] Again, Shakespeare places a scene in Belmont against one in Venice. ICSE Solutions Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions. Apparently all of his money is tied up in various sea ventures to exotic locales. In Act 1, Scene 2, Portia and Nerissa discuss how she dislikes all of them but likes Bassanio. Solanio and Salarino Paraphrase: No, that’s not it, trust me. [1.1] What does Bassanio come to tell Antonio? Is he joking or serious? Merchant of Venice Act 2 Quiz DRAFT. How do Antonio's words in 1.3.93-98 reflect this Elizabethan perception of Jews? Shylock outweighs these risks by saying that even if this happens, Antonio would still be wealthy enough to pay him back. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Shylock To whom? And now you’re asking for money. All Acts and Scenes are listed on the The Merchant of Venice text page, or linked to from the bottom of this page.. ACT 2. Your suit is cold—”. Money is important in Venice, as shown in the repeated use of the words 'bond', 'ducat', 'Ritalo', 'money', 'offer', 'interest', and 'sum'. The two main plots of the play are the bond-story and the casket -story. Antonio, however, denies that he is worried about his ships and remains depressed. He plans to overcome this by obtaining enough money to out-do the suitors, and he will do this by borrowing from Antonio... again. How does he reconcile that apparent hypocrisy? His views reflect the political position of Jews in Elizabethan society because Jews had to pay a special tax that Christians did not, which is why Shylock charges interest and Antonio doesn't. [1.3] What does it mean when Shylocks says, "Antonio is a good man" (1.3.12)? Read Act 1, Scene 2 carefully to see what purpose Shakespeare had in placing these scenes next to one another. What figures of speech does he tend to use? And so they parted.”Salanio “I think he only loves the world for him”. Edit. [1.3] Given this scene, what is important in Venice? Sometimes from her eyesI did receive fair speechless messages.Her name is Portia, O my Antonio, had I but the meansTo hold a rival place with one of them,I have a mind presages me such thriftThat I should questionless be fortunate!”. But Shylock means that he is a good man because he has enough money to guarantee` him the loan. Read every line of Shakespeare’s original text alongside a modern English translation. Solanio To whom? B) Antonio’s ships are all at sea. Enter ANTONIO, SALARINO, and SOLANIO. My heels are at your command. Actually understand The Merchant of Venice Act 1, Scene 2. I think he only loves life because of Bassanio. Give proof from the text (including line numbers) in your answer. Out of granting the loan, he could either get all of his debt back, or simply the money from the loan. A) Antonio B) Morocco C) Lancelot D) Shylock 2. What was the end result of their actions? Bassanio To Whom? ANTONIO. Graziano and Lorenzo remark that Antonio does not look well before exiting, leaving Bassanio alone with Antonio. THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. What justification the Prince of Morocco offers in support of his dark Please use the work book questions also of "the merchant of venice" so that it would be easy to learn. Study Guide for Merchant of Venice. Oh Lorenzo, if you keep your promise to me, I’ll end this agony by becoming a Christian and marrying you.Condense: I wish I was not related to my father, and instead desire to be your Christian wife Lorenzo. Antonio does not know why he is sad. How does Bassanio take his meaning? CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. 5 months ago. The Merchant of Venice Act II Quiz 1. Designed by GonThemes. [1.3] How does Shylock's loan to Antonio differ from Antonio's loan to Bassanio? So it’s not my business that’s making me sad.Condense: I am financially healthy, and if one of my ships does not do well this year, I will still have enough money left over. I came here with a fool’s head on my shoulders and now I’m leaving with two.—Condense: Arragon had received a head from one of the caskets, instead of Portia. Who is speaking? Why or why not? Explain the relationship between Portia and her father in The Merchant of Venice. Take the free quiz now! why, then, does Antonio continue to lend him money willingly, even though Bassanio has yet to pay him back? His two friends leave after Bassanio, Graziano and Lorenzoarrive. Antonio takes it jokingly, saying that he agrees and even says that Jews are nice (1.3.150-151). Who is Speaking: Lancelet Paraphrase: If I listened to my conscience, I’d stay with the Jew my master, who’s a devil. When they do choose,They have the wisdom by their wit to lose. Her mood is similar to Antonio's because they are both depressed. How do those faults reflect the Elizabethan viewpoints of each of these cultures? Understand every line of The Merchant of Venice. Bassanio only is generous when it is easy and convenient for him. Friendship, and happiness because he makes Bassanio happy. Was it indeed “for your own good”? Antonio Paraphrase: You say that!—even though you spat on my beard and kicked me like you’d kick a stray mutt out your front door. A room in PORTIA’S house. A quiz on Shakespeare's comedy "The Merchant of Venice". [1.3] What is the difference between Bassanio's and Antonio's perceptions of the loan terms? Arragon To whom? O my ducats! Therefore, Shylock refuses to eat drink or pray with them, but he will buy, sell, talk, and walk with them. 66% average accuracy. O Lorenzo,If thou keep promise, I shall end this strife,Become a Christian and thy loving wife.”. [1.3] Once Antonio enters, Shylock's aside gives us insight into why he dislikes Antonio. Who is speaking? Thankfully my financial situation is healthy. (77–79) Merchant of Venice Act 1 DRAFT. by gguajardo. He most likely dropped the discussion to avoid an argument, or because he thinks he can't prove Antonio wrong. Sometimes the expression on her face tells me she likes me. Ran off with a Christian! A street. [1.2] How does Portia first encounter Bassanio? “My daughter, oh my ducats, oh my daughter! He lends money to him because they are friends, and Antonio cares deeply about Bassanio. The terms of the loan are 3 thousand ducats to Shylock for 3 months. The Merchant of Venice opens on a street in Venice (there are streets and not just canals in Venice—who knew?) Shylock (Act 1, Scene 2) “The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” Antonio (Act 1, Scene 3) “I like not fair terms and a villain’s mind. But I need to remember I’m related to him by blood, not behavior. 73% average accuracy. “Alack, what heinous sin is it in meTo be ashamed to be my father’s child!But though I am a daughter to his blood,I am not to his manners. Act IV, Scenes 1-2: Questions and Answers Act V, Scene 1: Questions and Answers Start Free Trial What patterns do you notice? Merchant of Venice Act 2 Quiz DRAFT. Thus hath the candle singed the moth.O these deliberate fools! Original Text Act I Scene II. reAdinG notes 1. In Venice, the main issue in this scene is that of money and loans, as shown in the repetition of the words 'ducat', 'loan', 'lend', 'borrow', 'pay', etc. [1.1] what plan does Bassanio have to pay Antonio back? Merchant of venice : Act 1 scene 3 July 9, 2019. Wy does Shylock tell the story of Jacob and Laban? Bassanio is not used to taking financial risks like Antonio is, since Antonio has his ship business. [1.3] Shylock directly confronts Antonio regarding the way Antonio has treated Shylock in the past. Directions: Click on the correct answer. How does Antonio? Why? [1.1] Antonio seems to have it all. Who is speaking? Salario and Solanio think he is sad because he is worried about his ships, cargo, and finances, or maybe he is in love. They were stereotyped as mean and grumpy but were also stereotyped as poor, which Shylock defies because he appears to be somewhat successful. Bassanio would not od the same for Antonio since he usually asks Antonio for things and not vice versa. If all goes as planned for Bassanio, and he ends up marrying Portia, he will pay Antonio back using Portia's large sum of inheritance money. What advice have you given to someone else that you yourself find hard to follow? Who is speaking? This placement was done to show how the scenes mirror each other, and they tell both sides of the story. Shylock To whom? Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. A) Bassanio owes a lot of money to Antonio. What is different about her criticism of Morocco? gguajardo. Bassanio inf… He then goes on to say that if Antonio doesn't repay him on the day they choose, eh will have to give Shylock 1 pound of his flesh. What do you see that defies stereotypes? The devil’s advice is nicer. It has a blunt warning that says, “He who chooses me must give and risk all he has.” How will I know if I chose the right one? SCENE 1. Shakespeare's words display him as a mean, selfish, grumpy, greedy old man, which is more or less how Jews were portrayed. Notes. “In Belmont is a lady richly left,And she is fair and—fairer than that word—Of wondrous virtues. Take our free The Merchant of Venice quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. 2. Condense: I hate Antonio not only because he is Christian, but because of his poor money decisions. Take a study break Every Book on Your … Name the six suitors given in this scene. GrAmmAr | presentation the student is presented with and discovers essential facts, elements, and features of the play. How does Shylock interpret the story? quiz which has been attempted 140 times by avid quiz takers. Edit. Condense: Portia is a beautiful and wealthy women in Belmont who I wish I had a chance to compete for. Passage – 1 (Act I, Sc.I, Line 1-7) Paraphrase : The fiend gives the more friendly counsel. English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology. Portia and Nerissa's relationship and Antonio and Bassanio's relationship are similar because they both care about each other and often converse with one another. Anyways I got so many answers hope u will. I don’t have all of my money invested in one ship, or one part of the world. Portia To whom? Bassanio takes it seriously, and tells Antonio not to agree, and that he would rather go without the money (1.3.152-153). [1.2] How does Venice differ from Belmont? Read the Summary Read the Summary of Act II, scenes v–ix. She’s also told me what gold and jewels she owns, and she’s described thepage’s uniform she’s keeping to wear as a disguise. [1.1] Although he has condemned usury in the past, Antonio doesn't need much convincing to go into debt for Bassanio. 5 months ago. What appears to be the “problem” as the play opens? 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