Thus it is not equivalent to being a spectator. The electronic highway of information that is girdling the world has brought an end to the Gutenberg era. Earlier people used to watch just the league finals but now they have the option to follow their favourite teams irrespective of their geographic location and time. Pennants, caps, shirts, flags, bands and other team branded articles are what have led to an increase in the revenues and facilitated penetration in other geographic markets (Cousens and Slack, 1996). What kind of sport would sell? This has also helped in attracting better players as the salaries are far better, improved facilities to train and huge advertising expenditures to build the fan base. In addition, sports have “delocalised”; the global marketplace has made sports less attached to specific places, particularly those which have world-wide appeal, such as football and basketball (Euchner, 1993)”. Thus the competition in not limited to just the sports industry but is with the larger entertainment industry (Grauer, 1989). You can view samples of our professional work here. It has 20 clubs that play in the league every year and follows the system of relegation. This has also helped Rupert Murdoch to extend his empire across the globe. This is not an example of the work produced by our Dissertation Writing Service. The Moment of Truth in the IPL that made it’s success eminent was the fact that the crowd actually cheered when Sachin was bowled by Bret Lee. Media influences public opinion and impacts the choices that people make. Considering both sides of the argument, when it comes to media industries and their products, but also employees and consumers, has increased conglomeration and convergence overall been positive or negative? Honda, Kawasaki and Subaru withdrawn from motorsport, Manchester United lose £56 million AIG shirt sponsorship, US National Football League indicates it will cut workforce by 10%, Tiger Woods loses five year $8 million endorsement contract with Buick, Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games takes out additional $800 million loan to cover financial shortfall, 2009 Indian Masters golf tournament cancelled, Arena Football League in US cancelled for the season, TV viewership increased to 1 million (97.4m to 98.4m); advertising investment up $20 million (from $186 million to $206 million) at the Super bowl 2009, Premier League signs new live TV rights deal for £1.78 billion, surpassing previous deal, Badminton England signs record-breaking sponsorship deal with Yonex, Manchester United and City will both sign lucrative, record-breaking shirt sponsorship deals if the rumors are to be believed. Is the league a product or is it the clubs in the league that constitute the product (Goldman, 1989; Grauer, 1983; 1989; Gray, 1987)? What constitutes a sports brand is questionable. The Observer defines media convergence as the ongoing creation of a network between different media forms and platforms, rather than the mere merging of outlets. There are many forms of media. Manchester United stands for excitement and great entertainment all so because right from Cantona to Giggs to Rooney and Ronaldo, the club has stalwarts who are both excellent at the game and are trend setters in their own way. When the whole world is in the throes of recession, sports is one industry sector that has not been as badly affected as the others and was quick enough to bounce back within a year. This marks the herald of a whole new era of sports entertainment and marketing. Parallels can be drawn between the sports industry in India and in nations abroad which in turn would help marketing sports, teams and clubs as brands in a nation like India- which is a burgeoning economy and holds great prospects for such brands. The other areas of concern would be has this concept of IPL revolutionized the way sport is consumed in India? Early radio stations partnered with newspapers in order to read news on the air, for instance, and MTV merged radio and television to a certain extent. Below is a representation of the value chain of the sports industry. Cultural convergence is a result of globalization that has brought tremendous changes in one’s culture. A few years back it may have sounded like an idea by Slartibartfast from the legendary planet of Margarathea(from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) but with the advent of technological platforms this ain’t a far-fetched idea any longer but is the reality of the present times. It had a TRP of 6.7 amongst women which is a considerable number considering the fact that Indian women are generally not much into watching sports. Media convergence is not a new concept. Daidj Media Convergence and Business Ecosystems GMJ. How do the sports brands communicate to the people? Thus Sport is an industry too which comprises of selling sports or selling through sports. Thus, qualitative study becomes important too. One topic that was central to this particular week was media convergence. Media convergence has become a popular buzz word in many of today’s creative industries, but what exactly does it mean? There are more ‘satellite fans’ to the NBA. This is applicable across industry sectors- say a sponsor of something like MTV Roadies who would end up owning the content rights of the show- just to kick competition out of the advertising sphere for the show. Media convergence also requires a source to establish credibility and rapport for an audience to deem it reliable. Be it the events, leagues and the tickets to view these or the marketing of products through sports- which would include merchandize, licensing and sponsorship (Mason, 1999). With the audience being exposed to a plethora of media platforms it gets tough to understand what has had what kind of effect on the consumer. Andy Mulligan(2009), says, “ Brands are often, somewhat lazily by some people, equated with pure commercialism and worse still with a kind of ‘fluffy’ marketing that is about ‘spin’ and not substance.” He is of the view that though Sport is a huge industry, managing teams is not in the least similar to managing a business. It has the largest revenues in the football arena, close to a $4mn in 2007-08. It is not just the confluence of the traditional and the new digital media but it is also about the unpredictable ways of interaction and association of the consumers and producers of media. Manchester United’s branded licensed jerseys sell more in the USA as compared to all the other Major League Soccer (MLS) clubs combined. The biggest advantage of this is that the teams are backed by deep pockets and investment into a team is a part of the investment portfolio of the corporation and not the main business area. The only differentiating factor that sets sports entertainment apart from the rest is the passion that it commands and the real time execution. “Like other forms of entertainment, sport offers a utopia, a world where everything is simple, dramatic and exciting, and euphoria is always a possibility … Sport entertains, but can also frustrate, annoy and depress. I believe that the benefits of media convergence heavily outweigh the challenges and that it is an essential step for companies that strive to become better and bigger, which ultimately provides better and more up-to-date services for audiences. And a lot of the time, it can become overwhelming and difficult to keep up with the latest technology and opportunities available. “Professional sports leagues are now a part of the powerful recreation and entertainment sector of the economy. The Internet and social media platforms allow journalists to release news in real time – a feat that a hard copy of a newspaper is unable to offer – as well as issue the same non-time sensitive material that they may release in the actual paper. Negative content can trigger negative emotions. The most sought after customers of the industry would be the fans as they are loyal and facilitate generating the revenues required to rope in the best players and management. It is perceived to be more glamorous, entertaining and action centred as compared to the rest of the European Leagues like the Serie A and La Liga in Spain. In depth interviews would be the preferred technique as we seek to understand the reasons why an individual behaves the way he does and not really the collective opinion of a group. One of the biggest fears in the minds of those opposing media consolidation is that the large media houses will silence alternate views, which can then lead to a decline in democratic viewpoints. What Negative Effects does Social Media have on Teenagers By:Ashton Marshall Introduction The speed of social media's progression is at an alarmingly high rate. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Premier League has undoubtedly grown to be a global brand. The opening match in Delhi had a Television Rating Point(TRP) of 7.19 which was the highest for any event in India ever. This has brought in a certain amount of unpredictability in the responses that a media would receive. In today’s society, technology is constantly growing and evolving, which ultimately means that our opportunities are continuously growing too – and at an exceptional rate. (Datson, 2004). But whatever the case be both are brands in themselves. This fiasco happened due to the deals that the IPL Franchise had with these sponsors and the players were bound by it. After studying the responses from the sample, the research would help arrive at answers to various questions regarding the future of the sports industry in India. Manchester United has a huge fan base of close to 24 million in China alone which is more than the number of viewers in Britain. Defining media convergence The flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries and the migratory behavior of media audiences who will go almost anywhere in search of the kinds of entertainment experiences they want. The very fact that names like Arsenal, Manchester United of the English Premier League (EPL) are household names in a country like India where nothing but Cricket sell’s, shows the growth of sports branding. When a FMCG brand has to be made global, what companies generally do is start operations in the country where they would like to have a presence. It is to study what these factors are and what are the things that affect these factors? One benefit that we can witness first-hand is that the convergence between traditional and digital sources powers our newspapers to produce much more efficient and up-to-date content as their websites and social media platforms are frequently updated. This was the golden time for the Cricket Board in India as it made a lot of profits. Transition from a “stones throw away” world to a “click away” world has changed the way we live, interact, socialize and work. A fan “represents an association from which the individual derives considerable emotional and value significance” (Madrigal, 1995, pp. The intensity of appeal and engagement with the sport is further enhanced by the association that an individual has with the sport and if there are stakes that he has in the outcome. New Media: Internet Convergence and American Society. Therefore there is a knowledge gap that exists. They have capitalized on this opportunity and the audience sentiment by branding themselves. If information about breaking news becomes available, the stories can be released instantaneously. Media convergence is something that impacts us all down to our every day life and such has become the way of life that society adapts and changes accordingly. English Premier League is a leading association of professional football clubs in the European Union. Information is readily available across multiple platforms in today’s society, so the audience is able to access it through many different ways and is able to pick a platform that best suits his or her needs. But it is this very uncertainty that gives its unpredictable joys their characteristic intensity (Whannel,1992, p. 199)”. The global fan base of the leading international football brands such as Real Madrid and Manchester United runs in millions of British Pounds and “shows no sign of waning” (Deloitte “Football Money League”,2008), A Research conducted in 2002 has identified 5 important factors that govern the association of fans with the team. This phenomenon has been more evident in the recent past all because of the media convergence (Kerr,2008). The clubs are no longer just teams whose players lend it its brand value. Media convergence is the joining, or ''converging,'' of distinct technologies into one. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. For example the treaty between FOX network and the National Football League was not really a profitable venture for the broadcast network as it had to overbid to acquire the rights but as Murdoch puts it, “it has made [FOX] a real network in the US”(Swift, 1995). Another benefit is that media convergence allows sources to reach a broader audience with the same media message presented across different platforms to fit the needs of each consumer. Mass media has made information available to more people more quickly, and it has enabled individuals to spread their innovative ideas much farther than they would have been if there were no mass media. The question that pops up next is, what is the brand? Globalization and cultural convergences have negative and positive effects on people’s lives. According to Jenkins (2006), consequences of this trend can be viewed as both positive and negative. All work is written to order. Many communications specialists believe that it is the content that matters, not the channel. It is argued that the league can be taken as a cartel of these entities i.e. Television is the best researched area of mass media effect on children. Cricket is followed by soccer, tennis and wrestling. They also fulfil social needs like a sense of affiliation or belongingness to a community or a group of people who think alike. *rv:11./),i=b.querySelectorAll("iframe.wp-embedded-content"),j=b.querySelectorAll("blockquote.wp-embedded-content");for(c=0;c1e3)g=1e3;else if(200>~~g)g=200;f.height=g}if("link"===d.message)if(h=b.createElement("a"),i=b.createElement("a"),h.href=f.getAttribute("src"),i.href=d.value,}else;}},d)a.addEventListener("message",a.wp.receiveEmbedMessage,!1),b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",c,!1),a.addEventListener("load",c,!1)}(window,document);//-->