By not excluding papers on the basis of subject area, PLOS ONE facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers whether within or between disciplines. PLOS ONE welcomes original research submissions from the natural sciences, medical research, engineering, as well as the related social sciences and humanities, including: -Primary research that contributes to the base of scientific knowledge, including interdisciplinary, replication studies, and negative or null results. Já na Scientific Reports, o país é responsável por 0,6% dos registros de artigos. Yet, Scientific Reports has a much higher Impact Factor (5.228 vs. 3.057), shorter publication delay, and more lenient data availability policies — characteristics that may be drawing potential authors from PLOS ONE. In 2018, the impact factor of PLOS ONE was 2.776. They all charge roughly the same amount and basically follow the same philosophy. It's a web of wishes when an author wishes to have their research funded but not publish CC BY but that's mandated! O índice parece baixo quando comparado a outros periódicos do grupo – o fator de impacto da Nature é de 38,1. And that’s if the paper is accepted – the process starts all over again if rejected. The battle has, in many ways, been won, but the end result—the co-opting of OA by commercial publishers—looks very different from original expectations. Most OA journals offset publication expenses – including the cost of peer review management, journal production, and online hosting and archiving – by charging a fee for each article published (APC). ISTOCK, SPRNG23 Update (March 20): Scientific Reports retracted the 2016 study today. PLOS ONE welcomes original research submissions from the natural sciences, medical research, engineering, as well as the related social sciences and humanities, including: -Primary research that contributes to the base of scientific knowledge, including interdisciplinary, replication studies, and negative or null results. Isso é verdade no caso da PLOS One, cuja lucratividade ajuda a manter publicações do mesmo grupo, mas de escopo mais restrito, como PLOS Biology e PLOS Medicine. Endereço postal: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC Um fator importante desse modelo é a baixa rejeição de artigos. PLOS journals also have fairly high impact factors. Collabra, the heralded UCal Press megajournal, seems to have morphed into Collabra-Psychology only ($875). Springer has Scientific Reports but other major commercial publishers do not have a competing mega journal in their mix. In all, the median time from submission to publication was 126 days for Scientific Reports and 151 days for PLOS ONE , a difference of about three weeks. Os mega-journals, revistas científicas que publicam um grande número de artigos em acesso aberto na internet, vivem um momento de ebulição. Cogent Social Sciences is published by T&F, and you pay what you can, up to about the same as those other publishers ( Mas, somando os dois prazos, a vantagem da Scientific Reports foi de 25 dias. PLOS ONE features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine., 12 Thoughts on "Scientific Reports Overtakes PLOS ONE As Largest Megajournal". Judgments of "impact" and "interest" would be left to posterity, which is the right strategy when publishing is … Tied into the varying costs of journals is the number of articles that they reject. includes the journal factors, ISSN, number of articles and other detailed information of over 11000 journals in different fields. À parte o duelo entre os dois principais mega-journals, o futuro desse tipo de publicação envolve um certo grau de incerteza. I have published in Sage Open which seems fine, and its prices have risen from $0 to $395. The mission of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is to advance scholarly publishing and communication, and the professional development of its members through education, collaboration, and networking. Sage Open seems successful, perhaps because the APC is reasonable and social sciences/humanities generally have less ability to pay from grants. @cshperspectives @oleg8r @KentsisResearch @RalserLab @ASAPbio_ @biorxiv @medrxiv @mitpress @biorxivpreprint Completely agree. Does that imply that the average quality of the declining number of submissions is itself declining? (click to go to journal page) 1 st rev. Every year, the team here at PLOS ONE celebrates those studies that have been recognized by the scientific community as the most impactful - through high numbers of views, downloads and citations. Em maio de 2015, o então editor da publicação, Mark Maslin, renunciou ao cargo em protesto contra uma nova política do grupo Nature, que passou a oferecer a autores a possibilidade de acelerar o processo de revisão por pares por meio do pagamento de uma taxa extra. Scientific Reports publishes the most articles of any journal in the world and it has the quality you'd expect. However, the importance of the impact factor is up for debate. Em setembro, a liderança nesse nicho de periódicos mudou de mãos pela primeira vez, quando a Scientific Reports, lançada pelo grupo Springer Nature em 2011, publicou, no intervalo de 30 dias, um total de 1.940 papers. After ten years of publishing, PLOS ONE is no longer the largest journal in the world. Com um corpo de revisores de alto nível, desafiou a ideia de que o meio digital on-line era impróprio para a divulgação de conteúdo científico de qualidade, ainda que aceite artigos independentemente do grau de novidade de seus achados. Another megajournal, Scientific Reports, surpassed PLOS ONE in size in 2017 but saw its article count drop by 30% the next year, according to data in publisher Elsevier’s Scopus database. We invite you to join this Google Group. A PLOS One dominou o universo dos mega-journals por 10 anos. PLoS ONE features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine. They are not necessarily those held by the Society for Scholarly Publishing nor by their respective employers. This speaks to the current state of the open access movement. Depois que o artigo é aceito, a PLOS One publica mais rapidamente: em média em 19 dias, diante de 27 da concorrente. A revista superou a PLOS One, respeitada publicação lançada em 2006 pela organização sem fins lucrativos Public Library of Science (PLOS), que publicou 1.746 artigos em setembro. Lucratividade Output in PLOS ONE has been dropping since its peak in 2013. No lugar de competir com títulos convencionais, os mega-journals passaram a ter uma relação simbiótica com as revistas mais seletivas, criando economias de escala para as editoras, pondera Stephen Pinfield, professor da Universidade de Sheffield, no Reino Unido, líder de um projeto de pesquisa que investiga a trajetória e o futuro dos mega-journals, que deve ser concluído em 2017. Scientific Reports Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. Updated June 2013 - Many of you reach this page searching for the impact factor of Scientific Reports. These patients have impaired physical growth, high number of … The underlying common assumption is that only the best scientists manage to publish in a highly selective tier of the most prestigious journals. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. It is similarly priced (until January 2012) as PLoS ONE and has less author feedback information (i.e. Um estudo feito em 2013 por pesquisadores da Finlândia mostrou que o prazo de publicação em revistas científicas tradicionais oscila de nove a 18 meses, dependendo da área do conhecimento. Is this to be expected given its ranking as the world’s […] Scientific Reports looks poised to displace PLOS ONE as the world’s largest journal this year if the trends continue (though the journal did raise its publication fee this week, making it $200 more expensive than PLOS ONE). Tanto para a PLOS One quanto para a Scientific Reports, a taxa de processamento de artigo (APC, na sigla em inglês) é de US$ 1.495, o equivalente a pouco mais de R$ 5 mil. “Multiplique-se isso pelo número de artigos e se chega a mais de US$ 2,5 milhões de receita mensal de um mega-journal. Departamento de Nutrição Scientific Reports, on the other hand, is a part of the Nature Publishing Group, so, despite being a megajournal like PLoS ONE, their main goal would be getting revenue rather then getting science out. Phil, do you have a sense of how many papers are directly submitted to Scientific Reports vs transfers from within the Nature Portfolio? Outra diferença da revista do grupo Springer Nature está relacionada às exigências feitas aos autores. It covers primary research from any discipline within science and medicine. Scientific Reports. É um negócio tremendamente lucrativo”, diz Rogério Meneghini, coordenador científico da biblioteca eletrônica SciELO Brasil. O auge da PLOS One foi registrado no ano de 2013, quando publicou 31.509 artigos. Helyion and PLoS). Um outro lado dessa simbiose é que os mega-journals também podem se beneficiar do prestígio das revistas irmãs – o sucesso do Scientific Reports dentro do grupo Nature parece ser um exemplo disso. The main subject areas of published articles are Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all), Medicine(all). Its impact factor is higher than that of PLOS One because of a handful of physics articles that get published there each year that rack up a ton of citations. ISTOCK, SPRNG23 Update (March 20): Scientific Reports retracted the 2016 study today. If PLOS ONE’s marketshare continues to erode, it may prove difficult for them to continue to offer the bold experimentation that has driven so much progress. Dados brutos While most editors would view a decline in submissions and output as unwelcome news, Heber is upbeat about the broader meaning of PLOS ONE‘s decline. This is very interesting competition indeed. PLoS ONE vs Scientific Reports Posted on January 24, 2011 by noblenobel So it appears that open access publishing really is taking off, now it seems the NPG (that’s Nature Publishing Group, not New Power Generation) are getting on on the act. Scientific ads Donate Register Log in Reviews for "PLoS Medicine" Review this journal Show journal page. For example, PLOS ONE, touted as the first megajournal to be launched, has recently had some difficulties in ... Science, BMJ Open, Scientific Reports, and the Journal of the American Chemical Society, all highly reputed scientific journals, do not specialize in only one discipline. article metrics). Illness and death from diseases caused by contaminated food are a constant threat to public health and a significant impediment to socio-economic development worldwide. Núcleo de Pesquisa de Nutrição em Produção de Refeições – NUPPRE Meet our staff in 2020. The journal’s shrinkage is attributed, in part, to a reduction in manuscript submissions, explained Joerg Heber, PLOS ONE‘s newly instated Editor-in-Chief in a blog post celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the journal. It has been cited 17 times since its publication. In a statement to Retraction Watch, the journal acknowledged that “the correction made following the initial review was insufficient and inadequate,” and noted that editorial staff would receive further guidance on “handling allegations of plagiarism.” As a Nature journal, Scientific Reports inherits a little of the "glow" of Nature, which will lift its reputation relative to other journals that don't consider impact (e.g. It provides: Open-access – freely accessible online, authors retain copyright; Fast publication times; Peer review by expert, practicing researchers "Since 2013, PLOS One, the first of the open access mega-journals, has published roughly 30,000 articles per year. Mas, na verdade, é um índice vigoroso para um tipo de revista que só existe na internet, publica uma grande massa de artigos e não exige que os autores apresentem novidades em seus manuscritos – basta que os dados sejam sólidos. When PLOS ONE was announced in 2006, its charter immediately resonated with me. Netherlands: International association of scientific, technical and medical publishers; 2015. Centro de Ciências da Saúde This example shows the general structure used for government reports, technical reports, and scientific reports. Like all Cell Press journals, the primary criterion for publication in Cell Reports, is new biological insight. 29. The movement for open access has gained support in the research community, with the publishers BioMed Central and PLOS ONE becoming leaders in scientific publishing in their number of articles and citations. The scientific journal PLoS ONE is included in the Scopus database. This would be the first journal where only scientific accuracy mattered. Com isso, acumulou prestígio. When you choose to publish with PLOS, your research makes an impact. However, in September its monthly publication tally was overtaken for the first time by that of a younger rival, Nature’s Scientific Reports." The decline in,,, The Senior Research Officer and the Academic Research Enterprise, The Humanities [Are Everywhere] in American Life, Transformative Agreements, Funders and the Publishing Ecosystem: a Lack of Focus on Equity, Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly. This post also highlights the fragile economic foundations of the open access model that might need to hybridize its format or make efforts to create a self-propelling ecology of interrelated initiatives that could sustain its momentum. The idea of a social science megajournal has not taken off, I think. So I worry about any demands, third-party initiatives, licensing mandates, etc. Funcionam em acesso aberto, no qual qualquer interessado pode ler os artigos na web sem pagar por isso. Username or e-mail * Password * Forgot Password Home Record. It is similarly priced (until January 2012) as PLoS ONE and has less author feedback information (i.e. O modelo dos mega-journals foi celebrado como uma alternativa mais democrática aos periódicos tradicionais, pois é capaz de publicar uma enorme quantidade de pesquisas, deixando para a comunidade científica a missão de identificar o que há de relevante nesse universo, tarefa que cabe, nos periódicos tradicionais, a um conjunto restrito de revisores. When PLOS ONE was new, this approach drew scorn from established publishers, but now those publishers all have their own journals that use similar editorial criteria (Nature’s Scientific Reports, AAAS‘s Science Advances, Elsevier’s first attempt, Elsevier’s second attempt, the Royal Society’s Royal Society Open Science). Like all Cell Press journals, the primary criterion for publication in Cell Reports, is new biological insight. 2016 [cited Aug 2019]. Journal Impact. There are a few dubious ones of the sort that appeared on Beall’s list. To measure the global and regional burden of foodborne disease the World Health Organization (WHO) established the Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG), which here reports their first … It would also be good if authors aren't forced into CC choices by others. Following advice from local government and health authorities, PLOS staff have postponed/cancelled conference attendance and travel until further notice. There are few reports in the literature estimating the epidemiologic characteristics of pediatric chronic dialysis. 6/n. Scientific Reports On Track To Become Largest Journal In The World. that might seem to take this away and disincentivize posting in the first place. Ele ressalta o crescimento da tendência de publicar em repositórios de artigos ainda não submetidos à revisão por pares, os chamados pré-prints, levando-os ao escrutínio imediato da comunidade científica. These sources also respect the consensus of experts in the given scientific field and strive to publish peer reviewed science. Atualmente, o índice é de 5,2. Q. “Um dos principais atrativos dos mega-journals é a publicação rápida, mas nos repositórios a publicação é imediata”, diz. Ambas as publicações disseminam papers de um largo espectro de disciplinas, que incluem as ciências, as engenharias e a matemática, embora a PLOS One reúna um conjunto maior de artigos no campo das ciências da vida e a nova líder, no das ciências naturais. From a business standpoint, however, ceding this market to a commercial competitor harms PLOS’ future prospects. This is lower than in the past, but we have not altered our editorial bar and remain fully committed to our mission of publishing all solid research independent of impact. Ela, contudo, defende a divulgação desse tipo de paper como forma de evitar a publicação de resultados parciais ou enviesados de pesquisas. A remuneração não vem de assinaturas nem da comercialização de anúncios, mas exclusivamente de uma taxa paga pelos autores dos artigos – cada paper, depois de submetido à revisão por pares e aceito para publicação, custa determinada quantia. * The APC for Registered Reports Articles will be waived for submissions associated with Registered Report Protocols submitted before July 31, 2020 at midnight Pacific Time. Essa visão dos mega-journals como ferramenta de popularização da informação científica hoje divide espaço com outra avaliação, a de que se tornaram um nicho de mercado altamente lucrativo para editoras. Campus Universitário, Trindade. Plastic pollution has the potential to significantly negatively impact the earth system and biosphere in the long-term. Scientific Reports and PLOS ONE are remarkably similar. In an interview with Retraction Watch, Heber also noted that the journal has lowered its acceptance rate: Part of the reduced output is explained by a lower acceptance rate, which now stands at around 50%. If we can accept that citations are an imperfect measure of “quality”, then average quality of PLOS ONE papers has declined since 2012. Scholarly publishing in 2016: A look back at global and national trends in research publication. Same did American Physical Society with Physical Review X and American Institute of Physics with AIP Advances. Heliyon is published by Elsevier (still subject to some boycotting since the Cost of Knowledge campaign), and it has only 14 social science papers published at $1,250. “Tudo dependerá da forma como o acesso aberto das publicações científicas irá ganhar espaço nos próximos anos”, observa Abel Packer. Updated June 2013 - Many of you reach this page searching for the impact factor of Scientific Reports. A rapidez da Scientific Reports em publicar artigos também gerou arranhões na imagem da revista. ISSN: 2045-2322. And while Scientific Reports' Journal Impact Factor -- a metric commonly used to gauge the quality of a journal -- has risen, PLOS ONE's has declined. As an author at the blog, I am not a stranger to how open access book and journal publishing works. **PLOS Community Action Publishing takes effect January 1, 2021 for PLOS Biology and PLOS Medicine. There was a recent blog-format review of APCs in the context of Open Access publishers that has garnered an extensive discussion in the social media and quite a few comments on its results and methodology: Indeed, I made this prediction last August. Significa que os artigos publicados na revista em 2013 e 2014 receberam, em média, 5,2 citações em outros papers em 2015. Nesse ambiente, os mega-journals poderiam perder seus atrativos”, avalia Packer. This overall is great news for the research community as it means more Open Access research being published without barriers based on subjective criteria of relevance. When PLOS ONE was announced in 2006, its charter immediately resonated with me. In the meantime, Nature launched its own "Plos One", Scientific Reports. The PLOS ONE Impact Factor has decreased for a few years in a row. Publisher country is United States of America. PubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Setting Internet-based self-report survey, live between September 2018 and January 2019. “Esse tipo de artigo recebe naturalmente poucas citações”, escreveu Kiermer no blog da PLOS em julho. The manuscript was submitted in August, after queries, the journal staff assured that the manuscript was going out for peer review, then after a month and a half, the manuscript was rejected within a day of being viewed by a subject editor. Based on 2018, SJR is 1.724. SSP established The Scholarly Kitchen blog in February 2008 to keep SSP members and interested parties aware of new developments in publishing. The Journal Impact 2019-2020 of PLoS ONE is 2.870, which is just updated in 2020.Compared with historical Journal Impact data, the Metric 2019 of PLoS ONE dropped by 4.33 %.The Journal Impact Quartile of PLoS ONE is Q1.The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric Metric that reflects the yearly average number of citations that recent articles published in a given journal received. From a mission standpoint, it is perhaps the clearest sign of the enormous impact that PLOS ONE has had on the marketplace and the success of the megajournal model. It has been cited 17 times since its publication. This is called Article-Level Metrics (ALM). Segundo Maslin, que é professor de biogeografia da University College London, o novo sistema permite a quem tem dinheiro publicar mais depressa e subverte a igualdade de condições na avaliação que é tradicional no funcionamento das publicações científicas. Scientific Reports Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. We further demonstrate that the MRS predicts morally laden reactions, such as a desire for punishment, of people who rely on irrational (vs. rational) ways of forming and evaluating beliefs (Studies 6 and 7). Reader experiences with Scientific Reports are solicited in the comments, and comparisons of them with other open-access publishers such as PLOS ONE and Science Advances are welcome as well. Motivation: The Plos ONE review process has been the worst review process of any journal I've publish in to date. Cell Reports is an open access journal that publishes high quality papers. Journal publishing equivalent of Godzilla vs Mothra. Phil Davis is a publishing consultant specializing in the statistical analysis of citation, readership, publication and survey data. Scientific Reports overtakes PLOS ONE to become largest megajournal. My impression is that the open access model is beset by false antinomies between the no-fees ideals of free access and paywall or author-pays approaches that as the example of PLOS ONE incidentally shows collapse under the weight of reality. Filter. Cell Reports is an open access journal that publishes high quality papers. If you can't locate the report number then it might be better to cite the report as a book. Interesting discussion about overlays and author-assented vs author-independent review, @KentsisResearch @oleg8r @RalserLab @ASAPbio_ @biorxiv @medrxiv @mitpress @biorxivpreprint That said, one of the great things about preprints is they put authors in control. negatively related to common beliefs that are not supported by scientific evidence (Study 5). Enquanto a PLOS One obriga os pesquisadores a disponibilizarem os dados brutos de suas pesquisas em repositórios abertos, a fim de que possam ser consultados por outros pesquisadores, a concorrente do grupo Nature apenas recomenda essa medida de transparência. Scientific Reports and PLOS ONE are remarkably similar. “Pesquisadores brasileiros de várias disciplinas sentem-se estimulados a publicar na PLOS One porque a revista é valorizada pela avaliação de vários programas de pós-graduação”, afirma Abel Packer, coordenador da biblioteca eletrônica Scielo Brasil, referindo-se ao sistema Qualis, da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), que dá um peso elevado para papers publicados nesse periódico em áreas como biotecnologia e engenharias. Let’s see the final result by the end of 2017. Good points Phil. Because academics are stretched so thin these days, it is also getting harder and harder to recruit good reviewers, which further delays the process or pairs the paper with a less-than-qualified evaluator. These studies reflect the quality and breadth of reach that our authors’ research has. PLoS ONE is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS) since 2006. Skip to main content. PLoS ONE (which charges authors $1,350) publishes 70% of submitted articles, whereas Physical Review Letters (a hybrid journal that has an optional open-access charge of $2,700) publishes fewer than 35%; Naturepublished just 8% in 2011. It might be more useful to think about another system used by PLOS ONE. Scientific Reports is an online peer-reviewed open access scientific mega journal published by Nature Research, covering all areas of the natural sciences.The journal was launched in 2011. Opinions on The Scholarly Kitchen are those of the authors. Uma particularidade é que o faturamento da revista avança na mesma medida em que ela publica mais artigos. Journal title Average duration Review reports (1 st review rnd.) Journal Impact. That title is now held by Scientific Reports (Springer Nature), which published a total of 6,214 research articles in the first quarter of 2017, compared to 5,541 articles in PLOS ONE. “Isso não se observa ainda com a Scientific Reports, que é uma revista bem mais nova.” Na PLOS One, autores brasileiros são responsáveis por 1,77% dos registros de artigos, segundo o Science Citation Index Expanded da base de dados Web of Science. Although once accepted, PLOS ONE was able to publish the papers about a week sooner (19 days [IRQ: 14–23]) than Scientific Reports (27 days [IRQ: 25–28]). Ware M, Mabe M. The STM report: an overview of scientific and scholarly journal publishing. Mudrak B. The Scholarly Kitchen is a moderated and independent blog. Outro ponto do duelo entre as revistas tem a ver com a capacidade de publicar artigos rapidamente, qualidade muito valorizada por autores que recorrem aos mega-journals. Judgments of "impact" and "interest" would be left to posterity, which is the right strategy when … Legitimate science follows the scientific method, is unbiased and does not use emotional words. Uma das vantagens competitivas é o fator de impacto, indicador da repercussão da produção científica publicada. ISSN: 2045-2322. An alternative maybe that PLOS will seek to sell itself to someone who is seeking a megajournal. It highlights its editorial policy as one that is focused on scientific rigour and validity, rather than perceived impact. Other PLoS journals are more selective and have higher impact factors. “Num cenário que parece cada vez mais provável, pesquisadores vão publicar seus achados preliminares em repositórios para só depois, se for o caso, procurar um periódico de prestígio para divulgar um artigo elaborado. O trâmite de um artigo na Scientific Reports, incluindo todas as etapas do processo de revisão por pares, demorou 99 dias, ante 132 na PLOS One. Journal impact search engine. The Journal "Scientific Reports", published by the Nature publishing group, is gaining popularity with time (impact factor now around 5.2). About PLOS ONE. By not excluding papers on the basis of subject area, PLOS ONE facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers whether within or between disciplines. Um estudo recente feito pelo especialista norte-americano em bibliometria Phil Davis comparou os prazos de aceitação e de publicação nos dois periódicos, depois de analisar um conjunto de 100 artigos de cada uma delas. One would want to know the number of papers cascading from other PLOS titles to make that comparison as well. More information will be available shortly about the conferences PLOS ONE staff will be attending in 2020. PLOS ONE features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine. Esse modelo era adotado por poucas áreas da comunidade científica – o repositório arXiv, utilizado pelos físicos há 25 anos, é o principal exemplo –, mas começa a ser adotado em outras disciplinas, como a biologia e as ciências sociais. Scientific Reports. Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open. I really don't see any compelling reason why I would choose to send a paper to Scientific Reports over PLoS ONE. A ascensão da Scientific Reports é explicada por um conjunto de fatores. PLOS ONE Registered Reports. Unlike most large publishers, PLOS relies almost entirely on article processing charges (APCs) for revenue, leaving it highly vulnerable to shifts in author behavior. Scientific Reports looks poised to displace PLOS ONE as the world’s largest journal this year if the trends continue (though the journal did raise its publication fee this week, making it $200 more expensive than PLOS ONE ). The impact factor has decreased for a publisher to Capture, online publication “ Esse de... Arranhões na imagem da revista no universo das publicações científicas irá ganhar espaço nos próximos ”. S if the paper is accepted – the process starts all over again if rejected in sciences. Quality of the declining number of article, detailed information and journal publishing of social... 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