9 June 2020 • 3.00 - 4:00 pm By joining this webinar, you will learn all the aspects of solar and you even get the chance to talk to a representative from Fronius Austria! How do solar panels work? In our sun’s case, this is the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Depending on the size of your property, you could conceivably generate enough solar electricity for all your needs (provided you had a means to store it). The system consists of an inverter as well as the solar panels. Storing energy is necessary because when the sun goes down, or if it’s cloudy, then the solar panels aren’t producing. You can use the electricity generated by your solar PV system to power your home, your business or even your car. In fact, the earth receives more energy from the sun in one hour than the population of the world uses in an entire year. Building upon these discoveries, Charles Fritts built the first selenium-based solar module in 1883. Also, they tend to last longer and require less maintenance than thermal panels. Tesla’s PowerWall – a home battery for use with domestic solar systems – also uses lithium-ion technology and can generate 13.5 kWh from a full charge. Instead, we have a reasonably predictable source of free energy that doesn’t swing with market moods – resulting in much lower bills. While solar photovoltaic technology is improving incrementally each year, financial incentives and rebates will decrease as solar becomes more popular. Energy = 110 x (365 x 24) It is therefore great for the environment and for consumers.”, Matt Setchell, Head of Renewables, Octopus Investments. Later, solar energy was used in solar ovens to cook food, to heat water, and in greenhouses to grow exotic fruits and vegetables in cooler climes. Thankfully, the atmosphere attenuates solar energy to a degree that’s safe and enables life to flourish. As a result, the need for qualified workers in solar energy careers will increase. If you are one of the millions contemplating the use of solar energy in your home, you have a lot of things to learn. Thermal energy. It is the only support for all types of things on earth. Solar panels can be installed practically anywhere that receives direct sunshine for most of the day and is not shaded by trees or buildings. Using figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Carbon Brief estimates financial aid of between “$5.8bn and $7bn since 2010.”. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems – also known as solar panel systems, solar energy systems, or solar power systems – convert sunlight into electricity. By managing these assets together, and using cutting edge technology from Reactive Technologies, we can improve performance for our investors and attract further investment into UK solar.”. Examples include: Wiring Problems: This is a job that requires you to work with electrical elements. Energy = power x time Will our homes all be powered by renewable energy in 2030? Our houses use AC, or alternating current. Then in 1839, a new application emerged that would change how we think about solar energy forever. Like all stars, the core smashes lighter elements together to form heavier ones. The combined electricity output of the solar farm then enters the grid where it’s distributed to homes and businesses throughout the UK. The energy created in the cells either needs to be used immediately or be stored. As of 2011 , the technology produced less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand. Another advantage of solar energy is that it frees us from a volatile fuel market. Solar energy creates DC, or direct-current, power. There are lots of storage technologies available, from batteries to pumped hydro, and we’ll need to use a complement of solutions to ensure the lights stay on long after the sun has gone down. Many energy suppliers hedge against rises by buying wholesale energy in advance (often up to two or three years). Not only does it support life on earth as we know it, it drives the planet’s climate (weather systems) and produced renewable energy. Most locations in the United States get enough sunlight to produce sufficient electricity from solar panels. 07/07/2015 11:38 am ET Updated Jul 07, 2016 I believe solar energy is a huge part of what we need to be about as a nation. The most important factors to consider when you evaluate your solar panel options are the rates you pay for electricity and the rebates and incentives available to you. At the surface, the sun releases this energy at around 63 million W/m2, which blasts its way towards Earth at the speed of light, finally reaching Earth after about eight minutes. Solar energy is used to power air conditioners, billboards, shelters for the homeless, and even bike paths. One of solar energy’s biggest benefits is protecting biodiversity. Solar panel installation is best left to the professionals. Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Indeed, you can buy renewable energy cheaper than many Big Six Standard Variable Tariffs (SVTs). With that in mind, let’s explore how solar energy works and how it’s going to change the UK economy for the better. Solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on earth -- 173,000 terawatts of solar energy strikes the Earth continuously. Here are 15 facts about solar energy that you likely didn’t know about this fascinating energy source that is growing at a remarkable rate. As light hits solar cells, electrons are removed from atoms and then flow throughout the cell. While a 15-20% efficiency doesn’t sound like much, the fact that solar energy is renewable means that any energy converted is helpful. In an air-based system, the solar collector heats air which is then redistributed throughout the building using fans. One of the advantages of solar energy is no (or low) carbon dioxide or other emissions to affect the atmosphere. Each thermal system varies, but they work on a similar principle. To fully realise the potential of solar energy, and secure it as an independent energy source for the future, we need better data and management systems to ensure each element of the solar journey is efficient and effective. A composite image of the sun taken at different wavelengths. 6. That’s still a dangerous amount of energy (as anyone with bad sunburn will tell you), and without our atmosphere protecting us from the worst of the sun’s power, our oceans would evaporate and life would die out. Over 10 million people come to EnergySage each year to learn about, shop for and invest in solar. In London, for example, you’d pay just 13.9p per kWh for Octopus Energy’s Green tariff, but 16p per kWh for Scottish Power’s Online Standard tariff. Energy = 876 kWh/m²/year, South-facing roofs One of the key benefits of solar energy is that it doesn’t release greenhouse gases or pollutants. To convert the sun’s energy from DC to AC, the solar panels require an inverter. We mentioned that the solar energy industry is poised for growth. In California’s Mojave Desert, the largest solar energy project in the world is currently under construction. Enter your zip code to find out what typical solar installations cost in your neighborhood. This is making it increasingly difficult for animals to find food, shelter, and mates with which to reproduce. As long as you have enough roof space to install the right size solar panel system, the power that your panels will produce will effectively eliminate most of your electricity bill. Broadly speaking, there are two types of solar panel, thermal and photovoltaic. So the calculation becomes: Flat land Adding a Battery to Your Solar Panel System, now is the right time to make that investment, Sign up today to see how much solar can save you. Abundant, sustainable, and cheaper than coal (and predicted to beat gas and nuclear by 2022), solar is bringing about big changes around the globe. Thanks in part to the Solar Energy Technologies Office's investments, the cost of going solar goes down every year. While we’ve not reached those utopian heights yet, we can capture a proportion of that solar energy and convert it into heat and electricity using solar panels. Solar energy has always been an important resource for humans. Energy = 100 x (365 x 24) The answer to this question varies. Already the solar industry employs almost 126,000 people, growing every year to meet both private and public demand for solar energy. Excess CO2 in our atmosphere is melting polar ice, increasing desertification, and causing more extreme weather like floods, droughts, and hurricanes. Energy = 964,000 Wh/m² This is an incredible amount, considering the fact that one terrawatt is equal to one trillion watts. Copyright © IRENA 2018. All EU countries are net importers of energy, so we’re vulnerable to price rises when something disrupts the supply chain. This ensures that no matter what the weather, season, or time of day, Octopus Energy guarantees to replace every kWh used by their Green tariff customers with a renewable one. These factors now have the solar energy industry poised to explode. A levelized cost of energy analysis by Lazard estimates that the unsubsidized cost of electricity from utility-scale solar energy is now between 3.2 … That’s enough to power nearly four million homes. Most solar panel manufacturers offer a 25-year power production warranty guaranteeing that their solar panels will continue to generate electricity at a certain capacity for the warranty’s duration. This Kiwi Power facility in Wales, for example, stores solar energy in Tesla lithium-ion batteries. By the time it hits our upper atmosphere, much of the energy is lost, and we receive about 1370 W/m2. Solar energy boosts the economy by creating jobs. At first glance, based on our calculations above, a typical household using 3,100 kWh in a year would need around 3m2 of solar panels. In Melbourne, a solar system will output 3.6kWh per day per kW of solar installed. Each cell contains semiconducting material, usually silicon, and when light hits the silicon, electrons are knocked out of the silicon atoms. Having our own supply of solar energy means we don’t need to rely on imported fossil fuels for generation. Compare the best offers from solar installers near you. Thermal panels capture sunlight and turn it into heat. Tax Credits and Incentives for Energy Storage. Your electric vehicle battery could function in the same way – charging or discharging according to your driving schedule and the grid’s status. Earth’s most powerful ally. Photovoltaic cells are bound together in modules, and modules are wired together to form arrays. However, many things are not known about solar panels and every homeowner needs to be aware of the following things before making the investment. Solar energy is responsible for climate and climate change. Octopus Energy generates electricity from a large portfolio of solar, wind, and anaerobic digestion sites. “Solar power has become the key energy source of the future because its success in scaling has driven down cost, making it increasingly viable around the world without the need for government subsidies. Photovoltaic panels aren’t as efficient as thermal panels, reaching about 25-30% in the most expensive models, while thermal panels operate between 50% and 70%. How does solar energy work? Or at the very least, a sizeable proportion of them. Are energy-efficient appliances worth it? The pump itself can be powered by a solar photovoltaic panel, making it even more energy efficient. At times when your system produces more electricity than you use, you receive credit for the electricity you send to the grid; if you need more electricity than your solar energy system is producing, you can draw it from the grid. Whether you’re interested in going solar for the dollar savings or you’re on a mission to help save the planet, having a strong understanding of solar basics will go a long way to assure you’re making an impactful investment. This also works at the domestic level. This energy is generated when sunlight is converted into electricity. Solar energy is the world’s fastest-growing energy source, and for good reason. Electricity generated by Octopus Energy in December and June (2016). The project relies on a technology known as solar thermal energy. That's more than 10,000 times the world's total energy use. In fact, if the UK generated solar electricity exclusively, we’d remove 25% of our greenhouse gas emissions for good. Job Outlook. And in times of conflict, having our own supply of solar power defangs any potential attack on energy sources, overt or otherwise. If farmers can exploit brownland, or other poor quality land, they won’t intensify farming of other pastures. NASA and other space agencies have been doing it for years, powering satellites and spacecraft without the need for heavy generators or fuel tanks. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cohabiting with existing species, and protecting declining populations, solar energy can help animals thrive. It’s unlikely we could ever meet such demand with solar power alone, given our distance from the equator and cloudy weather, but solar has proven more than capable of bearing a significant share. Inside the solar panel, there are solar cells (photovoltaic cells). Does solar energy interest you? Commercial solar farms normally use inexpensive arrays of 10-20% efficiency to ensure an acceptable cost-benefit ratio. With the right planning, your solar panels can generate enough electricity to meet your needs over a 12-month period. A solar PV array consisting of panels of connected solar modules. And, right now, the UK is generating 12,756 MW of solar energy. The UK used 357 TWh of electricity in 2016. We need sensing and monitoring equipment that helps us better understand how much solar energy is being generated, where it’s coming from, and how much is being used. How solar energy works 1. Except in extreme circumstances, they don't need to be washed or cleaned. The photovoltaic effect, as it came to be known, was further developed by Willoughby Smith (1828-1891), who discovered selenium’s greater conductivity in the presence of light. This is what actually generates electricity. As they fuse, the reaction releases enormous amounts of energy, heating the core to 15.6 million degrees celsius. By insuring against rises they hope to protect their market share, but this comes at a premium which is passed on to the customer through their energy bills. On any given day this figure could be extremely different. When the water boils, the steam turns a turbine, creating electricity. Enter your zip code to find out what typical solar installations cost in your neighborhood. However, despite the increasing adoption of solar, it’s still a widely misunderstood resource. Average monthly European solar PV module prices by module technology and manufacturer, March 2010—May 2017 (left) and average yearly module prices by market in 2015 and 2016 (right). In his book Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air, David J C MacKay estimates the UK receives an average of 100 W/m2 for flat land and 110 W/m2 for south-facing roofs from the sun in a typical year. Solar energy is abundant, free, and sustainable – ideal for generating electricity. For people living in flats and smaller properties, or who can’t afford solar panels, your easiest option is to choose a 100% renewable electricity energy supplier. © NASA. As the UK’s largest investor in solar farms, Octopus has helped develop over a hundred different sites, many of which generate electricity on behalf of Octopus Energy customers. First, a solar collector captures sunlight and converts it to heat. Equally, if the UK relies on a distributed network of solar energy, and not a small number of centralised coal or gas power stations, blackouts, brownouts, and power surges will affect fewer people. The Clean Energy Council advise that in Sydney a solar system should on average output 3.9 kWh of energy per day for every kW of solar installed, taking into account the seasons and the weather. So in many cases, fossil fuels aren’t just bad for your health and the environment, but also your pocket. While panel installation and manufacture produce a small amount, it’s more than compensated for once panels are operational. From panel manufacturers to installation engineers, solar power needs talented minds to fulfill its potential in the UK. There are some emissions associated with the manufacture and installation of solar panels but they are extremely low compared to processes used in other areas of the energy sector. Once the initial solar panel costs are covered, you will not need to spend a cent on the electricity they produce. As well as coexisting peacefully with grazing animals, solar farms encourage biodiversity by creating safe havens where bees, insects, and other animals can nest. 4 Things to Know Before You Take the Solar Energy Plunge. Sign up today to see how much solar can save you. If you can afford to pay your electricity bill every month, you can afford to install a solar panel system. Instead of propping up a failing, destructive, and expensive energy source, the government could allow the market to determine the best source of power. Solar energy is created by cells absorbing sunlight and converting heat energy into electricity. When you install a solar energy system on your property, you remain connected to the electricity grid. The Government has already withdrawn much of its subsidy support for solar electricity, yet it continues to grow. So how does each type of solar panel work? My wife and I have a vacation place at the beach in Florida that is a near-net-zero-energy home. According to Energy Informative, recent studies have shown that homeowners in many states are able to reduce their electricity expenses by more than $100 per month when they switch to solar power. To really take advantage of solar energy, we must be able to store it. Solar panels are therefore a lucrative, eco-friendly choice for land that might otherwise have gone to waste. Period. Solar energy is the result of nuclear fusion inside the sun’s core. All rights reserved. Whether its demand-side response or grid-scale battery plants, storage will allow the benefits of solar energy to penetrate every aspect of society. By 1000 BC, the Romans and Chinese were concentrating solar energy with “burning mirrors” to light fires and torches. The UK’s first ever subsidy-free solar farm opened in 2017, and analysts predict solar will thrive independently by 2025. Over 70% of the energy we use is for heating our homes and businesses, therefore thermal panels are an excellent, inexpensive way to cut your energy use. Panels that face south will produce the most electricity, but your panels can also face east or west. 1. This would free up billions of pounds to spend on more deserving causes like schools, hospitals, and infrastructure. Should You Install Solar Batteries for Home Use? On average, homeowners in the U.S. break even in 8 years. Solar 101: What Is Solar Energy? Moreover, you will reduce your carbon footprint by using solar energy, since it is totally green and renewable.Solar energy users save, annually, as much as 75 million barrels of oil and 35 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. They can even extend the life of your roof by protecting it from daily wear and tear. In 2016, for example, 69% of all Octopus Energy electricity was renewable – almost triple that of the national average. Relying on fossil fuels exposes us to wholesale prices that vary according to supply and demand. Photovoltaic panels capture sunlight and convert it to electricity. Following Becquerel’s discovery, the world went dizzy with dreams of endless, free power. Other sources suggest that you may be able to cut your energy bills in half with properly sized panels and optimal sun exposure. With a $0-down solar loan, solar lease or PPA, you can finance your system and see immediate savings. It depends on how much power your system generates and how much energy you use. As soon as the sun sets, or the grid experiences a shortage, the batteries discharge. Simplifying the “Going-Solar” Process Since 2008, hundreds of thousands of solar panels have popped up across the country as an increasing number of Americans choose to power their daily lives with the sun’s energy. Everything you need to know about solar energy, © 2020 Octopus Capital Ltd - All rights reserved, the world’s fastest-growing energy source, predicted to beat gas and nuclear by 2022, 12.6% of all renewable energy generation in 2016, the solar industry employs almost 126,000 people, The UK’s first ever subsidy-free solar farm, analysts predict solar will thrive independently by 2025, 69% of all Octopus Energy electricity was renewable, Coronavirus recovery could help us fight climate change. But this is a measure of solar power (the rate of energy produced), and we’re interested in solar energy (the amount of energy we receive). Wowed by wind farms: inspiring and educating the schoolkids of Aberdeenshire. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems – also known as solar panel systems, solar energy systems, or solar power systems – convert sunlight into electricity. We need to identify and predict generation and demand patterns, and implement a sophisticated response mechanism to manage them. But we can do a lot more with electricity than we can with heat, so the panels are an extremely important ingredient of a decarbonised economy. If it’s a liquid-based system, the solar collector is either a flat plate of insulated copper pipes or a series of evacuated tubes. Not only is it destroying natural habitats, but it’s disrupting populations, reducing their size or pushing them to new places. The sun continuously strikes the earth with over 173,000 terrawatts of energy. “Octopus led the roll-out of solar energy generation in the UK back in 2011,, and remains the largest solar owner/operator in the UK. There’s a lot to know about how solar works before you make the switch. A photovoltaic panel is a collection of modules, themselves comprised of photovoltaic cells. The solar collector transfers heat to a liquid within the pipes or tubes, which then enters central heating or plumbing systems via a hot water tank. 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